Monday, January 16, 2006

We had quite a busy weekend my brother and my nieces were up so there was a lot of noise.

We went to church yesterday and we were in the middle of our song service when I heard something that sounded like thunder, then I saw something that looked like snow falling. I said to Josh its snowing which I think was actually ash. Then the second and third explosion went off and it was really smoky outside. Mom stopped playing the piano in the middle of the song and all the men ran outside. . Anyway it turned out that a tree limb had fallen on power lines, right down the road from our church, starting a grass fire, blowing a couple of transformers and maybe some tires up. The church service was delayed for about 20 minutes or so. It’s not every day you go to church and there’s a small explosion.
That’s all the excitement that I have had lately.


Bree said...

All I have to say is......Wow.
Now when you're trying to get some poor unfortunate soul to come to curch and get saved (namely of the male gender) you can use the enticement of "Oh but church isn't boring, we have explosions at ours!" haha.

Bree said...

I do believe that you misstook my meaning on this topic. I was saying that you could use the explosions as an enticement to get "MALES" to come to church. I did not say anywhere that men were harder to get to come to church and be saved, that is something you twisted and conjured up from my statment. The fact is Tikily Nikily, that most of the time "Men" and not "Women" are the ones who like sparks and explosions far more.Hence my saying that you could use the explosions to get "males" to come to church. To say that you could use it to get females to come to church would make no sense seeing as the majority of females are not fascinated and drawn to those types of things. I'll grant that there are exceptions and some females are sometimes more enthusiastic about it than some males, but like I said, the majority of people that like "that stuff" are males. I regret to find that I am now your enemy on this topic which was made up and started by your own person, and I believe if discused further you would find that we are not in dissagreement as you believe us to be.

Joy to the World said...

Tikily nikily I am really disturbed,ok very disturbed that you are now calling your self groovey girl.I really preferred you as Tikily nikily.