Sunday, March 19, 2006

It looks like I am going to Arkansas next weekend. My friends, the Bridges, called and invited me to go with them to an AQHA horse show and do team penning. It’s also a qualifying show to the AQHA World show. I am really excited about this, but I am disappointed not to get go to your sleep over, Courtney. I will see you Tuesday


Leighanne said...

Joy that is so cool you will have to tell me about it later.


Bree said...

Joy that is so cool you'll have to tell me abou it later.

And I will be nice and say something else.

I saw you're Mom and Shelby at walmart today. I thought that was funny due to the fact that we had talked of this before.

Leighanne said...

JLo! A strange nickname, in my opinion. I wouldn't like to be called the same thing as a snobby celebrity. Joy is not in anyway snobby so there I am not being mean at all.


Leighanne said...

he he HEM, Steffen, why do I engage in minor battles with you on everyone's blog? I was not saying that you SHOULDN'T call her JLo, just saying that it was a strange nickname.

There's the darn word "sheltered" again.

I am getting very annoyed with you. When I see you on Friday...never mind. We don't want to scare the little children or the poor helpless mothers who read these pathetic things.


Bree said...

CollEge and yeah I agree completely

Bree said...

That's cause you have the biggest head! HA!