Monday, September 11, 2006

What movie and book is this line from.

"Vanity working on a weak mind, produces every sort of mischief."


Jeff said...

Ola, is it from Pride and Prejudice, or Lotr!
Chemistry is awsome isn't it Joy!


Joy to the World said...

I will help you out just a little bit. It is a Jane Austin work.

Yup,chemistry is pretty cool.

Jeff said...

Other than Pride and Prejudice, I have not a clue!

ferretlover said...

Sense& Sensibility, or Ema.

groovy girl :)

P.S. I am back.Check out the blog!

ferretlover said...

Joy, change my link name to real beauty.That is my new blog title.

groovy girl :)

Joy to the World said...


Jeff said...
