Thursday, December 07, 2006

My first day at the vet clinic was very interesting. I went in around 12:30. I told the receptionist I was there to work so she told me to go on back to the surgery. I went back to the surgery and walked in. Dr. Steven was working with a visiting doctor and a tech. They were removing a tumor in a boxer’s spleen. I was doing fine during the operation. They were cutting the spleen out I think and then they were starting to clean and stitch. There was blood draining off the table but I was doing fine. Then they started stripping off gloves and surgery clothes and that was all I could stomach I started blacking out. My knees were giving way and I thought I was going to puke. The Doc walked by and looked at me and said Joy you look a little white. I said I think I am going to be sick. He laughed and said don’t faint on me. So He got me a chair. I just sat there for a little while. The visiting Doc was laughing and walked by, said you’ll get use to it.
I little later Doc, his tech and myself went on a call to this house to do 17 coggins test on horses and 4 colt vaccinations.
It was great I really liked it. Except I did not like the part were I started blacking out



Leighanne said...

Whoohoo, I like this template much better. The brown one was kind of messed up. :-)

*bleh* I could never be a sugeon or anything like made it a whole lot longer than I would have!


Anonymous said...

Weeellll, its good you finally got some experience, considering you mean to do this... how long? A long time, right? It'll do ya good.